Resources & Policies
Helpful Links
Community Expectations
We expect every participant to treat themselves, one another, the staff, the facilities, and the land with kindness and respect. We also expect Gappers to maintain a base level of self-care in order to remain healthy and well. While we provide support for Gappers to work towards their own goals, we are not a therapeutic program; all participants must be able to self-advocate, manage any personal medication and other medical needs, and participate in the daily routines of the program to the best of their ability. Please see the Community Policies for more information.
Health & Safety
We want every Gapper to be healthy and safe! Here are some things we have in place to support health and well-being:
Wilderness First Responder on staff for every overnight wilderness trip
Fully-stocked health room and first aid kit available in the Gapper House
A private room with wifi for telemedicine or therapy appointments
Rest times during each day and weekend for self-care
We’re a short drive to the Urgent Care facility in Keene for acute needs
We take risk management seriously for all of our experiential activities. Robust staff to participant ratios, risk mitigation policies and emergency protocols are in place for higher-risk activities, communicable disease outbreaks, and mental health crises. If you’d like to learn more about our health, safety, and emergency plans, please contact us - we’re happy to share further details.
Communication with Home
We follow a low-tech diet at Glen Brook, which means that Gappers may not be reachable at all times. Here is an overview of what communication looks like at Gap:
Gappers have access to phones/computers every weekend.
During our three trip weeks, Gappers will likely be out of reach between Monday-Friday.
Depending on the technology contract that the cohort creates, Gappers may be unreachable during certain times of the day or week.
Gappers will not be reachable for the first seven days of the program.
Mail is always welcome!
In case of emergencies, your family will always have a staff phone number to call for any urgent needs.
Who is Gap at Glen Brook for?
Our program is for curious, deep thinking, and motivated 18-21 year-olds who want to forge their own path for their education. (Occasionally, we accept 17 year-olds who will turn 18 during the semester.) Gappers might be…
Taking a Gap year or semester after high school
Looking for an introduction to sustainable agriculture or outdoor leadership
Seeking a learning experience that isn’t through higher education
Taking time off from college to gain practical skills or recover from academic burnout
Trying to figure out what’s next!
You do not have to have any outdoor experience to attend Gap at Glen Brook - we welcome folks of all experience and ability levels.
Please note that it is vital for participants to attend our program of their own volition and motivation; mandates by courts, states, or parents are not allowed. We do not accept paid commissions for any referrals. We want all Gappers to be personally invested in their experience.